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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1402   View pdf image (33K)
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from Wood Point to the Pennsylvania line, read
first time, 431; second, as amended, 447.

Senate bill to incorporate a company to build
a, from Pipe Creek to Taneytown, Carroll coun-
ty, read first time, 431 ; second, 490 ; third and
passed, 701.

Leave for a bill to alter the Act incorporating
a company to build a, from the Georgetown
turnpike to the road leading from Adamstown to
Greenfield Mills, 455; read first time. 579;
second, 627 ; third and passed, 786.

Bill to incorporate a company to make a, from
Ellicott City to Elysville, Howard county, read
first time, 456 ; second, as amended, 504 ; third
and passed, 702.

Bill supplemental to charter of company to
build a, from Libertytown to Pipe Creek, read
first time, 559 ; second, as amended, 627 ; third
and passed, 792.

Leave for bill supplemental to Act of 1804,
incorporating companies to make several, through
Baltimore county, read first time, 899 ; second,
1116, third and rejected, 1158 ; reconsidered and
passed, 1159.

Leave for bill to incorporate a company to
build a, from Sam's Creek to Taneytown, in
Carroll county, 838.

Bill supplemental to Act of 1865, incorporating
companies to make, through Baltimore county,
read first time, 904 ; second, 1061 ; third and
passed, 1096.

Bill to alter section 5 of Act of 1860, relating
to, in Baltimore county, read first time, 904.

Senate bill to incorporate a company to build
a, from Williamsport to the Washington County
Rail Road, read first time, 972; third and
passed, 1264.

TYDINGS—Senate bill to refund certain monies to Lewis
and Henry, read first time, 241; second, 262 ;
third and passed, 364.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1402   View pdf image (33K)
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