sive, of Public Local Laws of Baltimore city, rela-
ting to, as amended by Acts of 1864, 1865 and
1867, read first time, 966; second as amended,
1195 and 1196 ; third and passed, 1197.
Committee of five appointed to visit and ex-
amine into the affairs of, 17 ; their bill of ex-
penses ordered to be paid, 189.
Committee on, requested to consider the pro-,
priety of appointing an Inspector General of, 41.
Leave for a bill for the repayment of storage
and outage on, received in violation of the Acts
of 1864 and 1865, and to re-enact the same with
amendments, 43 ; read first time, 125 ; second,
172 ; third and passed, 197 ; returned from Sen-
ate passed, with amendments, adopted, 687.
Committee appointed to inquire into the ex-
pediency of leasing the, wharf, Light and Con-
way streets, 53.
Message to Senate proposing joint committee to
whom shall be referred all proposals looking to
the removal of the, 306 ; concurrence of Senate,
Leave for bill to alter section 6 of Article 4, of
Public Local Laws, relating to the leasing of,
and the inspection of tobacco, 557 ; read first
time, —— ; enacting clause stricken out, 852.
Report of Committee to whom was referred
majority and minority reports touching the leas-
ing of the, 926.
TOWAGE—Leave for bill to establish rate of, 721.
TRAVELING COMMITTEES—Committee on Claims in-
structed to require a bill of items from, 178.
TREASURER, STATE—Report of the, see document "B,"
13 : message from Senate proposing to proceed
to the election of, concurred with, 15 ; nomina-
tions for by the Senate, 38; Robert Fowler
elected, 39 ; requested to inform the House what
banks have refused to pay the school tax, 132 ;
message of Senate proposing committee to inform
the, of his election, and the response of the
House, 147 ; his letter of acceptance, 182.