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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1399   View pdf image (33K)
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Senate bill to authorize Tench Tilghman or his
heirs, to build bridge across Town creek, in, read
first time, 777 ; second, 845 ; third and passed,

Senate bill to alter sections 32, 33, 37 and 81
of, relating to Easton, read first time, 959 ; third
and passed, 1238.

Senate bill to add sections to, to be entitled
Harbor and Harbor Masters, read first time, 972 ;
second, 1076 ; third and passed, 1243.

Bill to provide for the construction and super-
vision of roads and bridges in, read first time,

Bill to alter sections 125 to 129 inclusive of,
relating to gates, read first time, 982.


TAXES—Bill to refund, erroneously paid by Society of Re-
demptorists and St. Anthony's Orphan Asylum,
read first time, 999 ; second, 1051 ; third and
passed, 1136.

TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN—Jno. S. Biddison elected, 4 ;
thanks returned to the, 8.

TESTAMENTARY LAW—See Caveator, Code.

Leave for a bill to amend the, of the State, re-
quiring security from the Caveator, 12 ; unfavor-
able report adopted, 467.

Leave for a bill to incorporate a company for the
publication of a Journal to be styled the, 20.

THOMAS—Bill to pay Philip F., sum of money for public
services, read first time, 653 ; second, 654 ; third
and passed, 655; returned from Senate, passed,

THOMPSON—Leave for bill to allow Jas., further time to
complete his collections, 720 ; unfavorable report
adopted, 867.

TOBACCO—Leave for bill to alter sections 495 to 551, inclu-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1399   View pdf image (33K)
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