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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1395   View pdf image (33K)
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Bill to amend Act of incorporation of Princess
Ann in, read first time, 1028 ; second, 1193 ; third
and passed, 1274.

Senate bill to make valid certain indentures of
the Orphans' Court of, read first time, 1283.

SONS OF TEMPERANCE—Use of the House for lecture
granted to the, 28.

SOULE CHAPEL—Leave for a bill to incorporate the Trus-
tees of, in Harford county, 249 ; rejected 975.

SOUTHERN MARYLAND R. R. CO.—Bill to incorporate,
read first time, 461 ; second, 563; third and
passed, 755.

SOUTHERN PEOPLE—Joint resolution of endorsement of
the Secretary of the Navy, furnishing transports
for conveyance of relief to the, read first time,
141 ; amended, and read second time, 210 ; third
and passed, 223.

Bill to alter section 4, of Act of 1867, chapter
152, giving money to destitute, read first time,
926 ; second 1033 ; third and passed, 1053.

Senate bill for the relief of, through the agency
of the Ladies Southern Industrial Association, and
Ladies Southern Relief Association of Baltimore,
read first time, 1055 ; second, — ; third and
passed, 1208.

ern Relief Association.

SPEAKER—Wm. A. Stewart elected, 5 ; address of the, 5 ;
resolution of thanks to, 1252 ; final address of,

ST. THOMAS' P. E. CHURCH—Leave for a bill to the Ves-
try of, to hold money in trust for certain religious
purposes, 154 ; read first time, 295 ; second 321 ;
third and passed, 390.

ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE—The Comptroller requested to
furnish the several sums that have been paid to,
145 ; his reply, 157.

Bill to repeal Act of 1866. chapter 101, for the
reorganization of, 473 ; read second time, 518 ;
third and rejected, 1057.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1395   View pdf image (33K)
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