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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1394   View pdf image (33K)
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SNOW HILL—Leave for a bill to incorporate the town of,


Leave for a bill to make valid certain official
acts of John Miller as a Justice of the Peace for,
68 ; read first time, 87 ; second, 92 ; third and
passed, 115 ; returned from Senate passed, 272.

Leave for a bill to alter the number of County
Commissioners for, 124 ; read first time, 137 ;
second, 159 ; third, and passed, 195; returned
from Senate passed, 341.

Leave for bill to establish a ferry at Rehoboth
in, 155; read first time, 271; second 319;
amended, third and passed, 803.

Leave for a bill authorizing an additional mag-
istrate in Dame's Quarter in, 249 ; read first time,

Leave for a bill to alter sections 46, 47, of, relat-
ing to Election Districts, 249 ; read first time,
271 ; second, — ; third and passed, 357 ; return-
ed from Senate passed, 380 ; returned to the Sen-
ate, 412 ; returned from Senate passed, 448.

Bill to alter section 65, Article 19 of, relating
to the number Justices of the Peace and Consta-
bles, read first time, 351 ; second, 352 ; third
and passed, 353 ; returned from Senate passed,

Leave for bill to add section to Article 19 of,
relating to pay of Jurors, 488 ; read first time,
501; second, 610 ; third and passed, 711.

Senate bill to alter the Act of 1865, chapter 60,
which altered sections 139 to 148 inclusive of,
read first time, 571 ; second, 608.

Leave for bill to amend chapter 290 of, Act of
1867, relating to owners of roads in, 693 ; read
first time, 725 ; second, 1033 ; third and passed,

Bill to alter section 9 of, relating to Almshouse,
read first time, 725 ; second, 1033 ; third and
passed, 1129.

Senate bill to alter section 36 of, relating to
Circuit Court, read first time, 960 ; second, 980 ;
third and passed, 1009.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1394   View pdf image (33K)
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