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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1392   View pdf image (33K)
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Article 38 of Code, relating to the fees of, read
first time, 854; unfavorable report, 1076.

REVENUE AND TAXES—See "Mortgages."

Petition of J. W. Bond & Co., in regard to
the currency and, 40.

Leave for a bill to amend the law in regard to,
relating to the bonds, appointment and pay of
Collectors of State taxes, 29; read first time, 188;
amended and second, 241; second reading recon-
sidered but amended and referred, 287; second,
317; third and passed, 385; message to Senate
asking return of the bill, 455: returned, 474; sent
back to Senate, 539; returned with amendments,
adopted, 993.

Bill to levy tax upon all banks in State for
Free School Fund, read first time, 351; amended
and second, 519; third and passed, 840.

Leave for a bill to alter section 97, Article 81
of Code, relating to the collection of taxes from
Corporations at their place of business, 693; read
first time, 833.

Bill to provide for the annual levy of State
taxes under the assessment of 1866, read first
time, 902; second as amended, 1081; third and
passed, 1082; returned from Senate with amend-
ments, adopted, 1204.

REPORTER—The, of the House paid $250, 1295.

RITTER—Leave for a bill to make valid the Acts of George
W., as Justice of the Peace, 91; unfavorable re-
port adopted, 867.

ROBINSON—Leave for a bill to give pension to Samuel,

ROHRER—Leave for a bill to give pension to David, 455;
read first time, 521.

RULES—See "Chief Clerk/'

Of last House in force, Chief Clerk ordered to
provide each member with copy of, 42; report of
Committee on, 43.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1392   View pdf image (33K)
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