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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1391   View pdf image (33K)
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RAINE—Frederick, appointed to translate Governor's mes-
sage, 14.

RAILROADS—See Colored Population.

Leave for a bill to prevent the use of explosive
fluids on, cars and locking the doors when in
motion, 372.

RAILROAD EMPLOYEES—Leave for a bill for the pro-
tection of, 258.

READING CLERK—Thomas H. Moore appointed, 7; the,
to announce the Committee meetings after roll
call, 147; compensation of, 1141.

REMOVAL OF CAUSES—Leave for a bill amending the
law relating to the, 12.

mittee on, 869 and 884; 500 copies of Report or-
dered to be printed, 923.

REDGRAVES—Senate bill to refund money to James S.,
read first time, 671; second, 723; third and
passed, 757.

Leave for a bill for the relief of Samuel, 68;
read first time, 88; second, 92; third and passed,
118; reconsidered, 118; read third time and passed,
138; returned from Senate passed, 274.

EEGISTRATION—Leave for a hill to repeal Act of 1865,
chapter 130, relating to the, of births, marriages
and deaths, 331; read first time, 446; second,
598; third and passed, 1078.

Leave for bill to amend Act of 1867. chapter 336,
relating to the, of voters, 628.

Senate bill to alter Act of 1865, chapter 174,
and Act of 1867, chapter 336, relating to, read
first time, 1123; second as amended, 1146; third
and passed, 1233.

REGTSTER OF WILLS—Senate bill to alter section 26,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1391   View pdf image (33K)
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