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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1333   View pdf image (33K)
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Leave for bill to repeal section 61, of Article
129. of Code Public General Laws, relating to
sessions of Criminal Court of, on Saturdays, 798;
read first time, 837.

Leave for bill to define and limit the tenure of
office of the Mayor of, 831.

Leave for hill to pay Judges of Supreme Bench
of, claim for salary, 831; read first time, 866;
second, 1119; third and rejected, 1164.

Leave for bill allowing certain persons to build
a pier in connection with State wharf on Light
street in, 832.

Leave for hill to make valid acts of certain con-
stables appointed by the Mayor and Council of,
832; read first time, 867; second, 1120; third and
passed, 1216.

Bill to alter section 213 of, relating to elec-
tions, read first time, 843; second, 1038; third
and passed, 1093.

Bill to alter section 939 of, entitled Water a,
amended by Act 1866, chapter 38, read first times
930, second, 1031; third and passed, 1120.

Bill providing for inspectors of lime for, read
first time, —; second as amended, 966 and 967;
amended third and rejected, 1042; reconsidered,
1042; third and passed, 1114.

Leave for bill to authorize the Mayor and Coun-
cil of, to issue bonds to build City Hall, 1047;
second 1253, third and passed, 1254.

Bill for reindexing and rebinding certain re-
cords in office Clerk of Superior Court of, read
second time, 1115; third and rejected, H'74.

BALTIMORE COUNTY—See bridges."—Leave for a bill
to allow Commissioners of, to make additional
precincts in certain districts, 14.

Leave for a bill to change a part of the dividing
line between the 3d and 4th districts of, 101;
read first time, 126; read second time, —; third
and passed, 165; returned from Senate passed, 274.

Leave for a bill to prevent horses from running
at large within one mile of Catonsville, 222.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1333   View pdf image (33K)
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