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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1332   View pdf image (33K)
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priate a sum of money for the prese rvation of the
land records in, 292 , read first time, 725.

Leave for a bill to alter section 872, Article 4,
of, relating to taxes and loans, 292-3.

Leave for a bill for Mayor and Council to ap-
point additional Constables for, 406 ; returned to
Senate, 801.

Leave for a bill to add sections to Article 4, of,
relating to sewers, &c., 421; read first time, 450 ;
second, 505; amended, third and passed, 703.

Bill to enlarge the jurisdiction of the Superior
Court, 444; read second time, 45 7; third and re-
jected, 698.

Leave for a hill to extend the limits of, 488.

Leave for a bill section 619 of, sub-title Justices
of the Peace and Constables, to give two more
constables to Second Ward, 488; read first time;
second as amended, 622; third and passed, 735;
returned from Senate amended, 801; adopted, 841.

Leave for a bill to alter section 623 of, 498; read
first time, 697; second, 1030; third and passed,

Leave for a bill to add sections to, to streets,
lanes and alleys, 517; read first time, 905; second,

Joint resolutions to repay money paid for com-
missions to certain constables of, read first time,
652; second, 734; third and passed, 955.

Bill to prevent cattle from running at large
within seven miles of, read first time, 634; second,
727; third and passed, 951.

Leave for bill to regulate the sessions of the
City Council of, 635.

Bill to alter section 20 of, read first time, 670;
second, 1032; third and passed, 1130.

Leave for bill to alter section 939 of, entitled
water, 693.

Leave for bill to amend Act of 1867, chapter
37, relating to Judges of Election, 694.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1332   View pdf image (33K)
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