APPEAL—See Justices of the Peace.
APOTHECARIES—Senate hill to prevent incompetent per-
sons from acting as, in Baltimore, read first time,
1049; rejected, 1295.
APPRENTICES—Leave for a bill to make valid the binding
of the colored, since 1864, 206.
L'eave for bill to alter section 39, Article 6, of
Code, relating to negro, 692.
Leave for bill to alter section 39, Article 6, of
Code, relating to negro> 516; read first time, 724;
second, 889 ; substitute read second time, 1047,
1048 ; third and passed, 1132.
ASSIGNMENT—Leave granted to introduce a bill to repeal
8th section of Article 9 of Code, and to re-enact
the same with amendments, relating to, of judg-
ments held by the State, 43.
a bill to amend the charter of, 171 ; second, 224 ;
third and passed, 310; returned from Senate
passed, 523.
ASSESSMENT—Bill to alter 2d section of Act of 186?, re-
lating to, read first time, 763; second, as amended,
934; third and rejected, 1044.
Senate bill to require the Clerks of the County
Commissioners and Appeal Tax Court to make
and return to the Comptroller copy of the revised,
of 1866, read first time, 780 ; second, 836 ; third
and passed, 1013 ; returned to Senate, 1013; mes-
sage asking return to the House, 1022 ; returned
and recommitted, 1037.
BALTIMORE—Senate bill to authorize the, to
reduce its capital stock, &c., read first time, 780;
second, 839; third and passed, 1043.
ATLANTIC HOTEL CO.—Leave granted to introduce a
bill to incorporate the, of Berlin, Worcester
county, 13 ; read first time, 126 ; second, 135 ;
third and passed, 177; returned from Senate
passed, 286.
ATTACHMENTS—Leave for a bill to add a new section to
Article 10 of Code, entitled, 240 ; read first time,
868; second, ——: third and passed, 1175.