Treasurer of the, praying an appropriation to re-
move the Confederate dead to the, 35; bill read
first time, 207; second as amended, 283; third
and passed 321; returned from Senate with
amendments, adopted, 522.
ANTIETAM LODGE, No. 4—Bill to incorporate, read first
time, 222; amended, 284; rejected, 976.
ANTIETAM HOTEL COMPANY-Leave for a bill to in-
corporate, 105; read first time, 206; second, 224;
third and passed, 323.
APPROPRIATIONS—Bill appropriating certain sums to
Plummer & Usilton, Wm. H. Councell, E. E.
Ewing, E. F. Perkins, N. H. Greene, Dr. Mont-
gomery Johns, Samuel L. Geisinger, John S.
Watkins, Edwin M. Shipley, Samuel Smith and
George W. Murdoch, read first time, 208; second,
234; third and passed, 309; returned from Senate
passed, 621.
Senate bill to pay Cushings & Bailey, J. E. &
G. Munroe and Thomas A. Makibbin, read first
time, 480.
Bill to alter Act of 1867. chapter 366, relating
to, for support of the government, read first time,
499 ; amended, 608, 833, 834 ; second, 835 ;
amended, 1053, 1054; amended, third and passed,
1083 ; returned from Senate amended, adopted,
Bill to pay A. Gassaway and R. V. Clayton,
assignees of G. Earle, Bartlett, Robbins & Co.,
F. Sasscer, George Huntt, A. H. Hall, L. Ma-
gruder, J. M. Bond, R. V. Clayton, George S.
White, Leonard & Townsend, J. R. Alvey, Chas.
Shipley, A. S. Abell & Co., Daniel Caulk and
Jacob Marker, read first time, 545 ; second, 675 ;
third and passed, 737; returned from Senate
passed, 843.
Bill making appropriations for support of gov-
ernment to 1869, read first time, 835 ; second,
third and passed, 898; returned from Senate with
amendments adopted, 1100.
Bill to pay Cushings & Medairy, J.-W. Bond
& Co., N. E. Berry and others, sum of money,
read first time, 836 ; second, as amended, 1035 ;
third and passed, 1091; returned from Senate
with amendments, adopted., 1205.