George's county, of a parcel of land in said county not ex-
ceeding in quantity ten acres.
An Act entitled a further supplement to an Act entitled an
Act to incorporate companies to make several Turnpike roads
through Baltimore county, and for other purposes, passed at
the November session, 1804.
An Act to create an additional Election District in Howard
county, to be styled the Sixth Election District of Howard
An Act releasing the right of this State to a distributive,
portion of the personal estate of James O'Hara, deceased, in
favor of James W. O'Hara, his only son and next of kin.
An Act to repeal section 6 of chapter 189, of the Laws of
Maryland, passed January session, 1867, entitled an Act to
provide by law for taking and perpetuating the evidence of
the number of persons held to labor and service in the State
of Maryland, and emancipated by the Constitution, adopted
in the year 1864, and by whom such persons were so held,
passed March 22d, 1867, and substitute in lieu thereof the
following section.
An Act to repeal section 11 of Article 7, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Carroll county," sub-title "Coun-
ty Commissioners," and to re-enact the same with amend-
An Act to amend an Act passed at the January session,
1868, entitled an Act to amend the 4th section of the Act of
the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January
session, 1864, chapter 29, entitled an Act to incorporate the
Kent county Railroad Company, passed on the 8th day of
March, 1856, chapter 148, to add four sections thereto, and
to appoint four new Commissioners in the placevof four de-
ceased Commissioners.
An Act to make valid the bequest made by Thomas B.
Kessler, late of Frederick county, State of Maryland, to Peter
Beard, in trust for the use and benefit of Mount Zion German
Reformed Church, of Frederick county.
An Act to amend the Public Local Laws of Kent county,
title Chestertown, by repealing sections 35 and 46, and to re-
enact the same as amended.
An Act to revive and continue in force the charter of the
Nanticoke bridge Company.
An Act to amend and re-enact section 213 of Article 4, of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title city of Baltimore, sub-
title Elections.
An Act to repeal section 9 of Article 19, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title Somerset county, sub-title Aims-
House, and enact the following in lieu thereof.