James S. Franklin, Henry M. Murray, John Treadway, E.
B. Prettyman, Richard M. Chase, Alfred D. Miller, James
T. Perkins, Philemon Griffith, John Moorehead, William
Welsh, Benjamin O'Hara, Richard Tydings, Eaton G. Hor-
ner, Voltaire Randall, S. Jackson & Co., James E. Tate,
assignee of N, H. Green, John Murphy & Co., Thomas K.
Robson, Hugh Sisson, Ambrose M. Payne, assignee of S. M.
Whaley, Alexander Brown & Sons, agents ; Secretary of the
Senate, James M. Ridout, Joseph M. Parke, Richard F.
Moffett, John E. Bromwell, A. W. Bateman, Thomas H.
Kemp, William Snowden and John Snowden, executors of
Rezin M. Snowden, deceased, Thomas E. Dell & Son, G. W.
An Act to add additional sections to the 26th Article of
the Code of Public General Laws of this State, entitled
Corporations, sub-title Religious Corporations.
An Act to repeal sections 76 and 77, of Article 35, title
Elections, of the Code of Public General Laws, and to
enact a section in lieu thereof, regulating the time of the
election of Representatives in Congress of this State.
An Act to repeal the first section of the Act of January
session 1864, chapter 309, entitled an Act to add new sections
to Article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester
county, for the protection of Partridges, and 're-enact the
same with amendment.
An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Frede-
rick and Carroll counties, to aid in the completion of the
Woodsborough and Pipe Creek Turnpike Road Company.
An Act to incorporate the Democratic Association of Balti-
more city.
An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen and Common
Council of Frederick, to subscribe to the capital stock of the
Frederick and Pennsylvania Line Rail Road Company, and
to endorse the bonds of said Company.
An Act to provide for a public Ferry at Rehoboth, in
Somerset county.
An Act to repeal section 2 of Article 41, of the Public
General Laws of Maryland, title Fish and Fisheries, and to
re-enact the same with amendments.
An Act supplementary to an Act entitled an Act to incor-
porate a Company to make a Turnpike Road from Ellicott
City to Elysville, in Howard county.