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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 959   View pdf image (33K)
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shall in each and every case be limited to, and expire on, the
first day of the month of May, which shall happen after the date
thereof; and the clerk of the court issuing the same shall be
entitled to demand and receive to his own use, from the person
or persons obtaining sitch license, the sum of two dollars for
each and every such license issued by him, which sum shall be
in full of all other compensation for the agency of the said clerk,
concerning said licenses, or the money received therefor, and

paid over by him to the use of the state: Provided always, that
before any such license shall be issued, the person or persons
obtaining the same shall severally give a bond to the state of
Maryland, in the penal sum of three thousand dollars, if in the
city of Baltimore, or within five miles thereof, and if elsewhere,
then in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, the said bond to
be approved by and delivered to the clerk issuing such license,
and to contain a condition that the person or persons obtaining
such license, shall not, during the continuance thereof, directly
or indirectly, sell, vend, barter, assure, give, furnish, supply,
procure, or cause to be sold, vended, bartered, assured, given,
furnished, supplied or procured, to or for any person or persons,
any ticket, share or interest in any ticket, or prize in any lottery,
or other device or game of chance, or any certificate, writing or
token, that any person or persons shall be, or become entitled
to any prize, or interest whatsover that shall be dependent on
the drawing or determination of any lottery, or other device, or
game of chance, other than such as have been granted by the
state of Maryland, and approved of by the lottery commis-
sioners, or which shall be proposed by the said commissioners
on behalf of this state; and also that the person or persons
obtaining such license will, during the continuance thereof, con-
form himself, herself or themselves, in all things, to the laws of
this state relative to lotteries and the sale of lottery tickets within
this state ; and every such license and bond shall be duly entered
of record in the office of the clerk issuing such license, and such
record, or a transcript thereof, duly certified by the said clerk
under his official seal, shall be evidence in all courts or places
whatsoever; and every such license shall specify the house,
office or other place, where the business of vending lottery
tickets shall be carried on, and shall not authorize the selling,
vending, bartering, furnishing, or otherwise trafficking in lottery
tickets, in more than one place nor in any other than that so
designated, except some other place shall be substituted by the
clerk having authority to issue such license ; and it shall be and
hereby is made the duty of the several district attorneys of this
state, whenever any condition of any such bond has been
violated, to prosecute such bond by action of debt, and to
assign the breaches of such condition ; and on any breach of any




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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 959   View pdf image (33K)
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