But this provision shall not be so construed as to extend to
any alphabets or indices made to the dockets of actions,
suits or prosecutions.
For any other service, matter or thing, not herein before
particularly enumerated, and for which no specific allow-
ance may have been made, the same fees as are allowed
for the like or similar services, and already provided for
No clerk
entitled to
charge for
search for
any original
To registers
of wills.
in this table of fees.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That no clerk of a county court
shall be entitled to make any charge for a search for the pur-
pose of delivering to the person entitled thereto, any original
paper that may have been recorded in his office.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That from and after the com-
mencement of the operation of this act, there shall be limited
and allowed, to the Registers of Wills in the several counties of
this state, instead of the fees heretofore prescribed and estab-
lished by law, the following fees, which may arise or become
due for services thereafter rendered, in virtue of their respective
offices, and no more, viz.
For taking, entering or endorsing, every probat of a will
or testament, including all oaths necessary thereto, 75
For granting letters testamentary, or of administration,
letters de bonis non or ad colligendum, (whether one or
more persons be included therein,) drafting, taking, fil-
ing and recording bond, issuing warrant, with oath, to
appraisers, and administering the necessary oaths to the
person or persons to whom such letters may be granted,
including all seals to letters and warrants to appraisers, 3 50
For transcript of a will, to be annexed to letters testamen-
tary, or of administration, for every ten words or figures
thereof, and so pro rata, 1
For drafting, taking and entering, the renunciation of a
widow, executor, guardian or other person, 12 1/2
For every certificate annexed to, or endorsed on, any paper
or instrument not filed or recorded in the office, without
seal, when so required, 8
For every search made for any matter or thing, above a
year's standing, however remote or distant the period
may be, if found, 18 3/4
For affixing the seal of office to any certificate, transcript,
exemplification or other paper, if expressly required by
law, or any person, but in no other case, 12 1/2
For examining and passing every claim or voucher against
a deceased person's estate, and endorsing certificate
thereof, on every such claim or voucher, when passed
by the court or register, for each, 124