six, chapter ninety, section seven, for every ten words or
figures, and so pro rata, for such extract,
1 1/4
Clerks of
courts, and
And with regard to the transcript,
For drafting, recording or transcribing, the bonds of sheriffs,
city court.
coroners, collectors, constables, supervisors or contrac-
tors, for the repair of the public roads, or inspectors of to-
bacco, for every ten words or figures, and so pro rata,
For making up and recording in extenso, all judgments,
writs of fieri facias, venditioni exponas, or other writs of
execution, under or by virtue of which any lands or
tenements shall be seized in execution and sold, with
the several returns to such writs or executions ; and also
all decrees, petitions, commissions, with their respective
returns, and other judicial or court's proceedings, either
at law or in equity, relating to lands, tenements, and
other real estate, specified and expressly required so to
be recorded, and made up at full length, and in the man-
ner prescribed by the seventh section of the act of eigh-
teen hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and
nineteen ; or in all other cases, actions, suits or prosecu-
tions, that may be expressly directed or required, in writ-
ing, by some person or party interested therein ; and
also for all exemplifications of the proceedings, judgments
or decrees, in all cases where a full and complete record
thereof may not have been already made up, or autho-
rized as provided for by this act, (but in no other case
whatever,) to be charged to those for whose use or bene-
fit such services may be performed, or to those requiring
the same to be done ; for every ten words or figures
written, and so pro rata,
1* 1/4
For recording or copying surveyor's plots, which may be
returned to or filed in the office, where required either
by law or an individual, the same fees as are allowed by
law to surveyors for a performance of the like or similar
For recording or transcribing any matter or thing not here-
in before particularly enumerated, and for which no
other allowance hath been already specifically made, if
required by the party or individual interested, for every
ten words or figures written, and so pro rata,
For alphabeting every instrument, proceeding, paper or
other matter, recorded in the office, and endorsing or en-
tering thereon a certificate referring to the record, for
every ten words and figures necessarily written for that
purpose, and so pro rata,
1 1/4