Clerks of
For furnishing the grand jury at each term with copies of
courts, and
recognizances, inquisitions, examinations or depositions,
city court.
returned by coroners or justices of the peace, also with
lists of the public roads, and the overseers or supervisors
thereof; of constables, of licenses granted to ordinary
keepers, (with a copy of their tavern rates,) to retailers of
spirituous liquors at horse-races, to hawkers or pedlars,
to billiard table keepers, of public ferries, with copies of
their rates of ferriage, and the terms of their contracts or
recognizances, and to venders of lottery tickets, to be
charged to their respective counties, or the city of Balti-
more, as the case may be, for every ten words or figures
of any or either, and so pro rata,
For recording or transcribing any matter or thing required
by law or an individual to be recorded or transcribed,
for every ten words or figures written, and so pro rata,
For any other services, matters or things, not herein parti-
cularly enumerated, and for which no specific allowance
has alieady been made, the same fees as are limited and
allowed for the like or similar services herein provided
111. And in all other cases appertaining to their respective
offices, and not comprehended or provided for under the two
distinct and foregoing heads or divisions.
For a certificate, under seal of office, of the qualification of
any judge, or of one or more justices of the peace, to
any instrument of writing, including all searches, when
made for the purpose of such certificate,
For a certificate of a juror's, witness', or other person's
allowance for attendance at court, in civil or criminal
For taking and certifying, under seal of office, the acknow-
ledgment of a deed for land in court,
For entering the naturalization of an alien or foreigner, and
a certificate thereof, with seal of office, including all oaths
taken thereon,
3 00
For taking and filing recognizance, and issuing an ordinary
keeper's license, under the seal of the county, with a copy
of the rates of liquors, and other accommodations,
1 00
For taking and filing recognizance, and issuing a retailer's
license, under seal of office,
For making out or renewing a hawker's or pedlar's license,
with seal of the court,
For granting and issuing a license to any person to sell
spirituous liquors at horse-races, with seal,