AN ACT to confirm and make valid the Acts and Proceedings of Justices
of the Peace in this State.
WHEREAS, doubts have arisen as to the validity of the pro-
ceedings of justices of the peace in this state, in consequence
of their not having qualified and subscribed the oath prescribed
by the constitution as altered by the act of eighteen hundred
and twenty-two, and confirmed in eighteen hundred and
And whereas, much injury may result to the people of this
state in consequence of the neglect on the part of said officers,
to take and subscribe said oath, which omission may be a fruit-
ful and prolific source of litigation, unless the acts and proceed-
ings of said officers be confirmed and made valid ; for remedy
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland^ That
all acts and proceedings which have been had and done by jus-
tices of the peace since the alteration of the constitution afore-
said, be, and the same are hereby confirmed and made valid to
all intents and purposes whatsoever, and shall have the same
effect and operation in law as if the said justices of the peace
had taken and subscribed the oath or oaths as aforesaid, any
law to the contrary notwithstanding ; Provided, they have
qualified in the manner prescribed before the said alteration of
the constitution.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act relating to the appointment
of Constables in this State, and for other purposes, passed December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter one hundred and
See notes to the original act, ante page 811.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of each and every constable in this
state, to serve and execute a warrant of distress, when required,
within the limits of the district of the county or city for which
he now is or may be hereafter appointed ; and in all cases of
distress for rent, in which property shall be seized by any con-
stable properly authorized, such constable shall be entitled to
have and receive the same compensation as is allowed to
sheriffs. for similar services under the laws of this state.
Distress for
rent — com-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the responsibility of said
constable, and of the securities on their bonds, shall b0 co-
extensive with the authority hereby given, or which may be
hereafter given to them to serve and execute process.