of such justices with costs ; and shall be, and stand committed
until payment of the same be made : such fines to be paid over
to the collector for the use of the levy court of the county in
which such offence shall or may be committed.
This section is also modified by 1827, ch. 29, sec. 2.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That any thing contained in any
existing laws contrary to the provisions of this act, be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
AN ACT ceding to the United States the jurisdiction of the State of Mary-
land, in, to and over certain lands on Thomas* Point and Poole's Island.
WHEREAS, it hath been represented to the general assembly,
that by virtue of an act of congress, passed May the sixth,
eighteen hundred and twenty-four, entitled, 'an act to authorize
the building of light-houses, light-vessels and beacons therein
mentioned, and for other purposes,' the agent of the United
States has purchased or contracted for the purchase of the
necessary quantity of land for the erection of a light-house on
Poole's Island, and another on Thomas' Point : And whereas^
this legislature duly appreciates the great advantages resulting
from the erection of light-houses, and is desirous to promote
the completion of so useful an object; Therefore,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland ', That
the right of jurisdiction of the state of Maryland, in and over
the land purchased by the United States from Jeremiah Town-
ley Chase, and conveyed by deed, bearing date the twenty-sixth
day of August, eighteen hundred and twenty- four, and recorded
among the land records of Anne Arundel county, in liber W.
S. G. No. 10, folio four hundred and eighteen, four hundred
and nineteen, and four hundred and twenty, and also the right of
jurisdiction, in, and over the land purchased, or to be purchased
from Peregrine Wethered on Poole's Island, be, and the same
are hereby relinquished, ceded, and made over to the United
States for the purposes aforesaid.
AN ACT to lay a Tax on Billiard Tables.
Other laws are, 1826, ch. 219, relating to Baltimore city.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the clerk of each county, be, and he is hereby empowered
and authorized to grant a license to such pefson or persons as
may apply for permission to keep a billiard table, for which
license there shall be paid the sum of one hundred dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That during the continuance of
this act, all licenses for keeping billiard tables, shall be renewed
1st Monday
of April.
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