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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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or thing prepared and used for the purposes aforesaid, shall be,
and are hereby declared to be forfeited, and it shall be lawful
for any justice of the peace and constable, with two or more
freeholders of the county in which such offence shall or may
be committed, to seize and take possession of all or any part of
the said forfeited property; and at any time within ten days
thereafter, to advertise and sell the same, and after deducting
and paying the necessary expenses attending such seizure and
sale, shall pay over to the county collector for the use of the
levy court of such county the residue of the proceeds of such
sale or sales.
This section is modified by 1827, ch. 29, sec. 1.


SEC. 3. And b$it enacted. That nothing in this act con-
tained, shall be taken or construed so as to affect any licensed
tavern-keeper, in his or her ordinary and lawful business, at
his or her usual place of residence, nor shall it be so taken and
construed as to affect any merchant, shop-keeper, farmer, me-
chanic, or other person in the usual and lawful transactions of
his, her or their ordinary concerns, dealings and business, in
their usual places of transacting or carrying on such business;
nor shall it be so taken, construed, or understood, as to prevent
any persons who may have permission or authority in writing
to that effect, from the person or persons having the oversight,
charge and management of such meeting, from selling bread
and other necessary articles of food for man and beast, such
person or persons conforming to the lawful rules and regulations
of such meeting, and to the spirit and meaning of the permis-
sion or authority so as aforesaid to be given in writing.

sued may

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any suit or action shall
be instituted against any person or persons for or on account of
the seizure or sale of any goods or effects under the authority
of this act, or for doing or causing to be done, or aiding or
assisting in doing any thing in pursuance of this act, according
to the provisions thereof, the defendant or defendants may plead
the general issue, and give the special matter under this act in

Penalty for
disturbing a

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of
this act, if any person or persons shall disturb any congregation,
society, or meeting assembled for the purpose of religious wor-
ship, by blowing horns or trumpets, firing guns, or by any
riotous or disorderly conduct or conversation, or by any other
means, with intent to interrupt or disturb the worship, devotion
or exercises of such congregation, society or meeting, or of any
of the persons attending such meeting, he or they, on convic-
tion before any two justices of the peace in the county wherein
such offence shall or may be committed, shall pay a fine of not
more than ten dollars, nor less than one dollar, at the discretion



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 804   View pdf image (33K)
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