SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said register shall,
between the first day of January and the first day of March
annually, deliver or send to each of the sheriffs of the several
counties a list of taxes imposed as aforesaid for services here-
after to be done in the said court for persons resident of such
Also taxes
imposed as
for services
hereafter to
be done.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That if any of said taxes shall
or may be sent for collection the sheriff of any county in which
the person chargeable therewith doth not reside, then upon such
return being made to the treasurer of the shore he shall and is
hereby directed to give information thereof to the register in
chancery, who is required to send the same for collection to the
sheriff of the proper county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the treasurers of the respec-
If taxes
should be
sent to
sheriff of
doth not re-
side, treasu-
rer to send
the same to
the proper
tive shores shall examine the several lists of returns made to
them respectively by the sheriffs of the several counties, of taxes
which have not been paid since the passage of the act to which
this is a supplement, and if it appear by any such returns that
taxes have been sent for collection to the sheriff of any county
in which the person or persons chargeable therewith did not
reside, then the said treasurer shall transmit to the register in
chancery a list of such persons, designating therein the county
of which such person or persons is or are resident, and imme-
diately upon the receipt of such list, the said register shall deliver
or send to the sheriff of the proper county a list of such taxes, to
be collected and accounted for as aforesaid.
to examine
lists return-
ed to them,
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the register in chancery
shall, on or before the first day of November annually, account
with and pay to the treasurer of western shore all money
received by him for taxes which may arise for services done in
the said court for persons who do not reside within the state, a
list of which the said register shall annually lay before the
general assembly ; and in settling such account the said treasurer
shall allow to the said register a commission of four per cent,
on the amount of money by him received, and also at the rate
often cents per side for keeping an account of the taxes im-
posed, and for copies of the list laid before the general assembly,
and sent to the several sheriffs as directed by this act, and the
act to which it is a supplement.
Register to
pay to trea-
surer all
money re-
ceived for
taxes for
done for
who do not
reside in
state, &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the fifth section of the act,
entitled, an act for establishing and securing the salary of the
chancellor, passed at November session one thousand seven
hundred and ninety-two, chapter seventy-six, so far as the same
is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, and the act to
which it is a supplement, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Section of
former act