ble and disinterested men mutually chosen by the parties, or if
they cannot agree, by any justice of the peace on application of
either of the parties.
Not lawful
to anchor
float, &c. to
with shore
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons to anchor or locate any such float, or other
device, in any place in said waters, so as to interfere with the
shore fisheries, either by their being thus anchored or located,
or by hauling from such float, or other device, over the ground
covered with water usually hauled over by said shore fisheries ;
and each and every such person so anchoring or locating such
float, or other device as aforesaid, shall for each and every
offence forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars, and the further
sum of twenty-five dollars for every hour such float, or other
device, shall remain thus anchored or located, after notice shall
be given by the owner or occupier of said shore fishery, requir-
ing him or them to remove the same.
Fines, how
to be
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all fines or forfeitures, and
damages incurred under this act, shall be recovered as other
small debts, before a justice of the peace for the county in
which the fishery may be, and should the skipper, or other
persons commanding such vessel, float or boat, refuse to give
up liis or their name or names, and he or they should not be
known, the justice of the peace may issue his warrant against
the commander or owner of such vessel, float or boat, by that
name, and give judgment accordingly, and such judgment shall
be as effectual as if the warrant and judgment contained the
proper name of said commander or owner.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the act to prevent the
anchoring of vessels in the fisheries in Susquehanna river, and
the head of the Chesapeake bay, and for other purposes, passed
at November session eighteen hundred and seven, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
*1792, ch.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT*, entitled, an Act to direct the mode of collecting
the several Taxes imposed on proceedings in the Court of Chancery.
See 1830, ch. 187.
Register to
forward to
sheriffs list
of taxes on
for services
done, which
have not
been sent
by former
register &c.
SEC. 1 . Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the register of the court of chancery shall, on or before the
first day of April next, deliver or send to each of the sheriffs of
the several counties, a list of taxes imposed by law on chancery
proceedings, for services heretofore done in the said court for
persons resident of such county, and which have not been sent
by the late register to such sheriffs, for collection; and the
same shall be collected by the several sheriffs, and accounted
for by them according to the provisions of the act to which this
is a supplement,