and the said trustee shall forthwith, upon such permission,
under the direction of the court, return into the possession of
the insolvent debtor, from whom he originally received the
same, all the property and estate conveyed to him by the said
. insolvent debtor, or so much thereof as may then be remaining
in his possession, subject nevertheless to such exceptions as
may herein after be excepted, and it shall be the duty of the
said trustee, so surrendering as aforesaid, to return to the said
county court a schedule of such property so surrendered, and
thereupon the deed, originally conveying the same to the said
trustee, shall thenceforth be deemed and taken to be void as
regards the said property so returned, and upon the said surren-
der being made, and schedule returned as aforesaid, the said
trustee shall thereupon be discharged from the execution of any
further or future obligation or duty arising out of his appoint-
ment as trustee for the creditors of said insolvent debtor.
Court may
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That the county court shall in
trustee sur-
their discretion, allow the trustees assigning or surrendering
their trusts by virtue of this act, to retain such portion of the
trusts, to
said trust estates, as may be necessary for the payment of any
portion of
estate, &c.
debts due, or to become due, by the said trustees in virtue of
their appointments as trustees of the said insolvent debtors, and
also for the payment of such commission, not exceeding eight
per cent, as the court may deem a reasonable compensation to
the said trustees for their services.
Any surplus
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That if any surplus should remain
in his
in the hands of the said trustees after they shall have paid the
hands, to be
debts and retained the commission for which such allowance
for, &c.
was made, they shall, under the order and direction of the
county court, account for the same, and pay the same over, in
case of a surrender of the trust, to the said insolvent debtor, or
in his absence to the said court, who shall hold the same, sub-
ject to the order of the said insolvent debtor, and in case of an
assignment of the trust as provided by this act, to the trustee to
whom such assignment was made.
An ACT respecting the Bond to be given by the Register of the Court
of Chancery.
Bond may
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
be approved
the securities in the bond required by law to be given by
and probat
of witnesses
the register of the court of chancery, may be approved, and the
taken be-
fore chief
probat of the witnesses thereto may be taken by the chief
judge or
judge, or an associate judge of any of the judicial districts of
this state, and such bond, when so approved and taken, shall
be as good and valid as if the same had been taken in the
manner now required by law.