to appoint another trustee into whose possession shall be deli-
vered all the property and effects, if any, belonging to the estate
of the insolvent debtor, which were originally conveyed to the
trustee petitioning as aforesaid, or so much thereof as may theft
be remaining in his possession, subject nevertheless to such ex-
ceptions as may herein after be excepted, and the said petition-
ing trustee shall thereupon, under the direction of the court,
make the proper conveyance and assignments of the same.
charge to
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when the said trustee, so
petitioning, as aforesaid, shall make the said conveyances and
assignments of the property conveyed to him as trustee, or so
much thereof as may then be remaining in his possession, sub-
ject to such exceptions as may herein after be excepted, and the
said trustee, thus substituted in his place, shall certify that he
has received possession of the said property, producing at the
same time a schedule thereof, the said certificate and schedule
to be filed in the clerk's office of the county, and that he has
given bond in pursuance of the directions of this act, then the
said trustee, so petitioning as aforesaid, shall thereupon be dis-
charged from the execution of any further or future duty or
obligation arising out of his appointment as trustee for the cre-
ditors of the said insolvent debtor.
Upon trans-
fer of pro-
perty, &c.
trustee to
be dis-
charged &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said trustee, so substi-
tuted in the place of the trustee so petitioning as aforesaid, shall
under the direction of the court, give bond for the same purpose,
and in the same manner, that the original trustee ought to have
done under the act to which this is a supplement ; which said
bond shall be recorded and certified, according to the provisions
of the said act, and shall in the same manner, be good evidence
in any court of law or equity in this state, and the said trustee
shall in all other respects comply with the provisions of the said
act relating to the trustee as aforesaid.
to give
bond, &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be lawful
for any trustee, appointed by virtue of the act to which this a
supplement, or by virtue of the act, entitled, an act relating to
insolvent debtors in the city and county of Baltimore, or by vir-
tue of this act, to petition the county court of the county in
which he was appointed, setting forth his desire to surrender his
said trust, at the same time exhibiting the assent in writing of
two-thirds of the creditors in value, expressing their willingness
that the said trustee should surrender as aforesaid ; and it shall
thereupon be the duty of the said county court, provided they
shall believe that the said surrender would not be prejudicial to
the interests of the creditors, to grant permission to the said
trustee to surrender up his said trust to the said county court,
may peti-
tion court
to surren-
der his
trust, &c.