mitted, or his or their attorney, that the said debtor is in actual
confinement, specifying in such notice the suit and cause in and
for which the said debtor hath been so committed; and it shall
be the duty of the said creditor or creditors, within fourteen
days, (exclusive of the day of notice,) after the notice shall be
served as aforesaid, to pay to the sheriff the sum of two dollars
and sixty-two and a half cents, and the sum of eighty-seven
and a half cents weekly thereafter, for the support and main-
tenance in prison of the said debtor, so long as he shall be .con-
fined in prison at the suit or instance of such creditor or credi-
tors; and if default shall be made in any of the payments
directed by this section for the support and maintenance of the
debtor as aforesaid, then the same proceedings shall be had as
are directed in the first section of this law in cases wljere
default shall be made in the payments therein mentioned for
the support and maintenance of art imprisoned debtor, the said
proceedings to be subject to the provisions and conditions con-
tained in the first section of this law.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions herein before
contained shall not be extended to any debtor who hath been or
shall be convicted, on allegations filed against him under the
act of assembly, entitled, an act for the relief of sundry insol-
vent debtors, passed at November session eighteen hundred and
five, and who may be confined in prison for any debt due or
owing from him before his application for the benefit of the said
law, but whenever any person so convicted shall be committed
or confined for any debt due or owing from him as aforesaid, or
for the want of special bail in a suit already instituted, or here-
after to be instituted, for any such debt, it shall be the duty of
the sheriff to support and maintain such debtor while in actual
confinement, and he shall be paid therefor the same sum, and
in the same manner as is now allowed in cases where persons
are confined in gaol charged with the commission of felony or
any other crime.
Not to
extend to
under insol-
vent law,
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any prisoner shall be dis-
charged from prison before the.expendituie of any of the sums
of money herein before directed to be paid to the sheriff for the
support of such prisoner, rating the said expenditure at twelve
and an half cents a day, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, on
the discharge of said prisoner, to repay forthwith to the creditor
or creditors the money so advanced and not expended.
If prisoner
should be
money is
sheriff to
pay it over
to creditor.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the amount which may have
been paid by said creditor or creditors, for the support of such
prisoner, shall be considered as a preferred claim, and be first
paid out of the effects of such prisoner, should he or she be
finally released under the benefit of the insolvent laws of ibis
paid by
creditor for
rapport of
debtor to be
a preferred,
claim, &c,