thereafter for the same purpose, so long as the said debtor shall
be imprisoned at the suit of such creditor; and if default shall
be made in any one of the payments herein before directed,
and the said debtor shall be confined for debt, and for no other
cause, it shall then be the duty of the sheriff forthwith, upon
such default, to certify the same in wr^ng, under his hand, to
some justice of the peace of the county where such debtor
shall be confined, in which certificate shall be set forth the day
on which the said debtor wafc committed to the custody of the
sheriff, and the payments made by the creditor for his support,
if any, and the day on which default of payment as aforesaid
was made, and upon the production of such certificate, to any
justice of the peace aforesaid, it shall be the duty of such jus-
tice to endorse thereon an order to the sheriff to discharge such
debtor from confinement, who shall thereupon be accordingly
discharged by the sheriff; Provided always, that such discharge
shall not preclude the creditor from proceeding afterwards, as
often as the creditor shall think proper, against such debtor, by
fieri facias, capias ad satisfaciendum, or otherwise, on the judg-
ment aforesaid; and in case such proceeding shall be by capias
ad satisfaeieridum, the same shall be subject to the provisions
herein before contained for the maintenance and support of such
debtor ; And provided a/so, that if any such debtor, while in
actual confinement as aforesaid, shall be arrested on a capias ad
satisfaciendum issued at the suit of any other creditor, or be
otherwise committed for the non-payment of any judgment
rendered by any justice of the peace, or by any county court
of this state, or the non-performance of any decree for the pay-
ment of money made by any court of equity in this state, it
shall be lawful for the creditor at whose instance the said sub-
sequent arrest or commitment may be made, to pay for the sup-
port and maintenance of such debtor in prison, in the manner
herein before directed, and in case such payments shall so be
made, then the said debtor shall be detained in prison notwith-
standing the default of the creditor at whose instance the said
debtor was originally arrested or imprisoned.
person if
on writ
from county
court. Inc.
sheriff to
who shall
pay, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That whenever any person, after
the day herein first mentioned, shall be actually committed to
or confined in gaol on any capias ad satisfaciendum issued out
of any county court in this state, or the court of appeals of
either shore, or any court of equity in this state, or shall be
otherwise committed by any court of law or equity in this state,
for the non-payment of any money recovered against him by
a judgment or decree, or shall be committed for want of special
bail, it shall be the duty of the sheriff to whose custody such
debtor may be committed, immediately to notify in writing the
creditor or creditors at whose instance such debtor shall be com-