SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That nothing herein contained
shall be construed or taken to affect the right of any negro or
slave, who hath petitioned for his or her freedom, previous to
the passage of this act.
Not to
affect staves
lor freedom.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That so much of the act to which
this is a supplement, and the supplementary acts thereto, which
is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall be and the
same are hereby repealed.
Acts incon-
sistent with
A further additional SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an act for the
relief of sundry Insolvent Debtors.
*1805, ch.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all deeds, conveyances, transfers, assignments, or safes of
any property, real, personal or mixed, or of any debts, rights or
claims, to any creditor or creditors, security or securities, which
shall hereafter be made by any person with a view, or under an
expectation of being or becoming an insolvent debtor, and with
an intent thereby to give an undue and improper preference to
such creditor or creditors, security or securities, shall be abso-
lutely null and void, and the title to property or claims so
attempted to be conveyed, transferred, assigned or sold, shall
vest in the trustee or trustees of such insolvent debtors, as
effectually as any property specified in the schedule of such
SEC. 2. Assent of creditors is not now required.
Deeds, &c.
made with
an intent of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any debtor who shall petition
for the benefit of the insolvent laws, and shall comply with all the
terms and conditions of such laws, except obtaining the assent of
two-thirds of his creditors in amount, shall be entitled to a per-
sonal release, except in cases where interrogatories or allegations
have been filed, and have not been satisfactorily answered and
decided in favour of such debtor, which release shall be a good
and effectual discharge of the person from all arrests on mesne or
execution process, on account of any debt or contract incurred
or entered into by such insolvent debtor before his application ;
Who shall
be entitled
to a person-
al release.
Provided, such debtor shall, at the time of his arrest on mesne
process, execute a warrant of attorney, authorizing some attor-
ney to appear for him in the court to which such process is
SEC. 4. Repealed by 1820, ch. 108.
SEC. 5. See note to sec. 2.
SEC. 6. Merged in 1831, ch. 16, sec. 4.