AN ACT supplementary to an Act, entitled, an Act to regulate the Inspec-
tion of Tobacco in Prince George's county, passed December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter two hundred and forty-five.
1838, ch. 64,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That there shall be provided and kept by the inspectors
at each of the tobacco warehouses in Prince George's county,
proper and sufficient beams, prizes, screws, blocks, tackles,
weights and scales ; and also a set of small weights, such as
are provided for the standing weights of each county, and pro-
per marking-irons, seals, and all other necessary articles which
may be required in the opening, uncasing, and inspection of
tobacco, and the said inspectors are hereby required constantly
kc. to be
to keep the same in good repair, under the penalty of one
hundred dollars, and the charges and expenses thereof shall be
paid by the said inspectors, out of the money accruing to the
state from their respective warehouses, and they shall be
allowed for the same in their respective accounts with the
treasurer of the western shore ; Provided, true, faithful and
Kept in
proper vouchers for the same, under oath, shall be produced
and exhibited at the time of their settlement with the treasurer
... aforesaid.
under oath
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That whenever any inspector of
tobacco, at any of such warehouses, shall be sick or disabled,
and thereby prevented from attending to his duty, in such
When in-
sick, &c.
case, such inspector shall appoint a person of integrity and
skill in the curing and packing tobacco, and the quality and
condition thereof; and the person so appointed shall view and
inspect, pass and mark, or condemn and refuse, as the case
may be, all tobacco brought to the said warehouses during the
sickness or disability of such sick or disabled inspector and
A deputy