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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Limits of the city— 1816, ch. 193, sec. 5, .....


County court to exercise certain jurisdiction — 1816, ch. 193, sec. 6,


May affix a time for holding the court— 1816, ch. 193, sec. 7, .


Either judge to call and adjourn the court— 1816, ch. 193, sec. 8, .


Jurymen to be summoned— 1816, ch. 193, sec. 9,* .


Commitments and recognizance to be returned to the city court — 1816,


ch. 193, sec. 10, .........


Witnesses to be fined for non-attendance, and their allowance — 1816,


ch. 193, sec. 11,+ .........


Court to appoint constables— 1816, ch. 193, sec. 12,+


Judges to call and direct venue— 1816, ch. 193, sec. 13, .


To grant ordinary and retailers' licenses — 1816, ch. 193, sec. 14,


Chief justice to attend every day — 1816, ch. 193, sec. 16,


If sick to designate the associate who shall attend — 1816, ch. 193,


sec. 17, ...........


Expenses how to be paid — 1816, ch. 193, sec. 19,| ....


Judges thereof, not to practise law— 1816, ch. 193, sec. 20,


Salaries of the associate judges to be paid quarterly out of the trea-


sury of the city — 1817, ch. 195, ......


Witnesses to be allowed fifty cents per day unless they reside a dis-


tance from the city, an additional sum may then be allowed — 1818,


ch. 141, sec. 1, ..........


The judges to examine and authorize payment of expenses as therein


directed— 1818, ch. 141, sec. 2, ......


Relating to the removal of causes for trial within the six judicial dis-


tricts, and how the expenses are to be paid — 1821, ch. 161,


A supplement as to cost accruing on such removals — 1821, ch. 161,


A further supplement thereto — 1823, ch. 67, .....


Expenses of prosecution at the instance of an individual, for misde-


meanors, where the parties shall be acquitted, to be paid by the


prosecutor, unless the court shall certify that there was probable


ground— 1823, ch. 210, sec. 1, ......


How to be recovered, and presentment for misdemeanors to be en-


dorsed with the name of the foreman — 1823, ch. 210, sec. 3, .


To grant licenses to keepers of billiard tables within the city — 1826,


ch. 219, ...........


Either of the judges to hold court, except when a jury is necessary,


and adjourn court in the same manner that the chief judge can do


—1826, ch. 223, sec. 1, ........


Either may issue writs of habeas corpus — 1826, ch. 223, sec. 2,


For the speedy trial of misdemeanors in the cily of Baltimore— 1835,


ch. 75, p. 1457 ; repealed by 1839, ch. 244, ....


Sheriff to return a panel of forty-eight jurors, residing within the cily,


ten days before court, out of which the clerk is to draw twenty-


three, and the residue shall attend as petit jurors, and no person


shall be summoned as juror more than once a year, who must be


twenty-five years old — 1839, ch. 244, sec. 1, ....


* See 1839, ch. 205. + See note thereto.


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2835   View pdf image (33K)
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