Sheriffs, surveyors, &c. liable to be amerced fur not returning such
warrants — 1815, ch. 149, sec. 2, . . .
Whenever land shall be taken up under a common or special warrant,
or warrant of resurvey, any person, &c. may give in evidence under
the general issue, his possession — 1818, ch. 90, ....
Twenty years possession to be a bar— 1818, ch. 90, .
See Limitation — Possession.
A copy of any original certificate in the land office, together with the
notes, &.c. certified by the register, to he evidence as if it were the
original paper and proved to be in the hand-writing of the surveyor,
and that the surveyor was dead — 1818, ch. 100, ....
Of land in ejectment cases — 1829, ch. 186, .....
See Ejectment.
County courts authorized to appoint in cases where county surveyor
is interested or prejudiced, or when either party to a suit shall
make oath that they believe him so to be — 1827, ch. 44,
No aitl, charge, lax, bin then, fee or fees, ought to be set, raised or
levied, under any pretence, without the consent of the legislature
— Decl. of Rights, art. 12.
The levying taxes by the poll is grievous and oppressive, and ought to
be abolished, paupers ought not to be assessed for the support of
government, but every other person in the slate ought to contribute
his proportion of public taxes for the support of government, ac-
cording to his actual worth in real or persona! property wilhiu this
state, yet fines, duties or taxes, may properly and justly be imposed
or laid with a political view for the good government and benefit
of the community — Decl. of Rights, art. 13.
Persons seized of any estate tail, in possession, remainder or reversion,
may convey the same by such manner of conveyance as a person
seized of an estate in fee-simple may convey such estate, and such
conveyances of persons so seized in tail shall be good and available
against all persons whom the grantor could debar by any mode of
common recovery, or any ways or means whatever — November,
1782, ch. 23, ..........
Common recoveries before suffered by consent for docking estates tail
available, notwithstanding any defect — November, 1766, ch. 21,
What interest shall be forfeited on conviction of tenant in tail — April,
1782, ch. 19.*
See Estates Tail.
On notice given, and refusal by tenant for years or at will to remove,
the lessor, or his heirs, &c. may apply to two justices of the peace,
who may direct a jury to he summoned, &c. and may award resti-
* See note to 1780, ch. 45.