SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the register of the court of chan-
cery or the clerk of Baltimore county court, as the case may be,
shall file and record the said decrees in the said courts respectively,
and docket the cases of the applications therefor, and with said
decree, and to be recorded therewith, shall file copies of said mort-
gage, and the register and clerk aforesaid, shall receive respectively
for their said services, such fees as are now allowed in said courts
for similar services.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That any entry on said dockets by the
person entitled to assign the said mortgage claims of the use and
benefit of said decrees, shall have the same effect as assignments or
conveyances of the said mortgage interests, to have effect and pre-
cedence from the times of their respective entries on the dockets
aforesaid of said cases; and the said entries shall not be made with-
out an order or direction in writing, to be filed and recorded by
said clerk or register, and acknowledged before the chancellor or a
judge aforesaid, or two justices of the peace, by the persons pur-
porting to sign the same.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the duly authorized entries upon
the docket of said applications of the satisfaction of said decrees, and
the discharge of said mortgage claims, made by the persons entitled
to receive the said claims, shall have the same effect to discharge
the said mortgaged property of said mortgages, and all liens there-
under, as any conveyances by the parties interested in such mort-
gage claims, and the holders of the legal estate or interest therein,
if competent to convey, could have at law or in equity; but such
entries shall not be made without an order or direction in writing,
to be filed by the said register or clerk respectively, and acknow-
ledged by the person or persons purporting to have signed before
the chancellor or a judge aforesaid, or two justices of the peace, and
the returns shall refer to such order and directions, and the names
of the person or persons aforesaid, and said order and directions
shall be recorded in the said courts respectively, with said decrees.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the court of chancery or Balti-
more county court respectively, may at discretion, from time to
time, appoint any other trustee or trustees in place of these ap-
pointed by the decree aforesaid ; and that the proceeds of sales
aforesaid shall be accounted for to the courts respectively, and dis-
tributed in manner as is usual in cases of sales under decrees of
said courts of mortgaged property.
1836.—CHAPTER 219.
AN ACT relating to Mortgages in the City of Baltimore.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That every mortgage of any estate interest or equity of redemption,
in lands and tenements in the city of Baltimore, containing therein