See Infanls.
On the loan of money by a foreigner to a citizen of this slate on legal
interest, any mortgage made to secure the same, and acknowledged
and recorded as the law directs, shall be good and valid, and stand
as a security according to its purport; and although there should
be no covenant or express agreement for the payment of such
money, the mortgagor, his heirs, &c. shall be bound to pay as if
such express covenant was inserted — 1784, ch. 58, sec. 2,
The court of chancery to foreclose such mortgage, 8tc. in order to
compel the payment — 1784, ch. 58, sec. 3, .
The legislature not to interfere — 1784, ch. 68, sec. 3, ...
Manner of decreeing a foreclosure or sale of mortgaged property pos-
sessed by persons under age, idiots, lunatics, or non compos mentis
—1785, ch. 72, sec. 1, 3, 9, 30, p. 209 ; 1837, ch. 292,
Proceedings in chancery, where a mortgagor, bis heirs, &c. shall be a
British subject, and the person having the right, a citizen — 1785, ch.
72, sec. 29, ..........
Where a mortgagor of real property within this state to a citizen thereof
shall reside out of the state and within the United States — 1785,
ch. 72, sec. 30, ..........
When a mortgagor has removed, and his situation, or that of his repre-
sentatives, cannot be ascertained — 1794, ch. 60, sec. 6,
No mortgage executed after the first of August, eighteen hundred and
twenty-six, shall be construed to operate as a Hen on any estate or
property for any other or different sum of money than that appear-
ing on the face of it— 1825, ch. 50, ......
1826—CHAPTER 192.
AN ACT relating to Mortgages in the City and County of Baltimore.
See next note.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the mortgagee or mortgagees of any interest or estate, hereafter to
be created, in lands and tenements, lying within the city of Balti-
more, or in any part of Baltimore county, and his, her or their
heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, or his, her or their duly
authorized attorney, agent or trustee, appointed for that purpose,
may and shall be authorized, on the failure to pay the debt or sum
of money, including principal and interest, secured by the mort-
gage of such estate or interest, and giving at least twenty days no-
tice in two or more of the daily newspapers published in said city,
of the time, place, manner and terms of sale, to sell such mortgaged
premises at public auction to the highest bidder, as fully and freely,
in every respect, as any trustee acting under a decree of any court
may do.