Administrators not having assets to discharge. a claim, or any part for
which suit is brought, may plead the fact — 1802, ch. 101, sec. 1, .
If, on trial, (the demand being contested,) there be any other issue than
on the subject of assets, the jury, if they find the amount of assets
less than the debt, shall declare the amount of the debt and the sum
to be paid by the defendant — 1802, ch. 101, sec. 1, ...
The sum so to be paid to be ascertained by reference to the assets in
hand, and the debts due from the deceased — 1802, ch. 101, sec. 1,
Judgment thereupon to be entered for the debt or damages, &.c. to be
released on payment of the sum ascertained by the verdict, and in-
terest from the time of the judgment — 1802, ch. 101, sec. 1,
The said sum to be levied of the goods and chattels of the deceased, or
of the defendant— 1802, ch. 101, sec. 1, . .
The Residue of the debt or damages to be levied of the goods and
chattels of the deceased thereafter coming to hand, Or of the de-
fendant— 1802, ch. 101, sec. 1, .....
On such assets arising thereafter, the plaintiff may issue scire facias, on
which a trial may be had— 1802, ch. 101, sec. 1, .
The crop growing on the lands of a deceased person, at the lime of his
death, to be assets in the hands of the administrator, &.c. — 1802,
ch. 101, sec. 2, p. 472; 1807, ch. 136, sec. 1, ....
Directions for proceedings on the revocation of letters ad collig^en-
dum— 1802, ch. 101, sec. 5, .......
Ou the revocation of letters testamentary or of administration— 1802,
ch. 101, sec. 6, 7, .........
Administrators, &c. not bound to take notice of or discover any judg-
ment or decree against the deceased—1802, ch. 101, sec. 8, .
Creditors on judgment, &c. to exhibit their claims as other creditors,
subject to be barred in like manner — 1802, ch. 101, sec. 8, .
But not deprived of their preference, if the claim is exhibited in due
time— 1802. ch. 101, sec. 8, .......
Where claims against deceased persons estates are known to the exe-
cutor or administrator, and the claimants shall neglect to bring in
such claims, legally authenticated, after notice, Stc. within the time
limited, such claimants to be in the same situation with those whose
claims are unknown to the executor or administrator — 1823, ch.
131, sec. 2, ..........
Administrators, &.c. may contest claims passed by the orphans courts,
or registers, which thereupon shall be proved, as if no such order
had been made — 1802, ch. 101, sec. 9, .
Administrators not to retain property which had by law devolved on
free schools, on account of their being, in some counties, abolished ;
but the same to go to colleges, or schools, or if none, to the
county— 1802, ch. 101, sec. 11, .......
Sec Baltimore County.
The 7th, 8th, and 9th sections of ch. 8, of the act of 1798, ch. 101,
and such other parts as are repugnant to this act, repealed — 1802,
ch. 101, sec. 13. .........
Administrators may be called on to give counter security ; on refusal