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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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on the death of any party to a suit — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 14


sec. 4, ...........


A guardian may be appointed before an account of the administration


is passed— 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 12, sec. 1, .


The court may direct the delivery of a legacy or distributive share to


such guardian — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 12, sec. 5,


Penalty on administrator's refusing to comply with such order — 1798,


ch. 101, sub ch. 12, sec. 5, ........


The husband need not be administrator of his deceased wife to entitle


himself to her choses in action — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 5, sec. 8,


Provision for putting the estate in the hands of a security if he is in


danger, and for his accounting therefor — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 14,


sec. 11, &c. ..........


But the administrator shall go on to discharge his trust, unless the ad-


ministration is revoked — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 14, sec. 11, &.c. .


Administrators may appoint a meeting of creditors, legatees, &,c. on a


day to be appointed by the court, and make distribution under their


direction — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 14, sec. 12,


Directions respecting the preference to residuary legatees in granting


administration with a copy of the will annexed — 1798, ch. 101, sub


ch. 5, sec. 24, . . . . .


Power of the orphans court respecting administrators — 1798, ch. 101,


sub ch. 15, ..........


Administrators to appear to actions brought to recover personal chattels,


debt or damages, that would before have abated by the death of a


party— 1785, ch. 80, sec. 1, .......


Directions for compelling them to appear, and for their proceedings —


1785, ch. 80, sec. 1, .........


The sum found due against them by the jury shall be considered in


law as the true debt, and so pleaded by and allowed to them — 1785,


ch. 80, sec. 13, ..........


The plea of non est factum may be put in by administrators by leave


of the court, on shewing just cause — 1785, ch. 80, sec. 3,


On administrators applying for a writ of error or injunction, the chan-


cellor may prescribe the penalty of the bond — 1793, ch, 75, sec. 2,


When injunctions are so obtained, the chancellor may decree against


them us equity and good conscience require — 1793, ch. 75, sec. 3,


Directions respecting their bringing slaves into the state — 1797, ch. 15,


All rules relative to an administrator to apply equally to an adminis-


tratrix, unless otherwise expressly provided for — 1798, ch. 101,


sub ch. 14, sec. 10,


An administratrix must be above the age of eighteen — 1798, ch. 101,


sub ch. 5, sec. 1, ..........


If above that age, unmarried, and under the age of twenty-one, her


bond shall be binding as if of full age — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 4,


sec. 8, p. 382 ; sub ch. 5, sec. 7, ......


May appear to actions that would have abated by the death of a party,


&c.— 1801, ch. 74, sec. 38, .......


See Abatement.


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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