Punishment for forging, or causing to be forged any acquittance, with
intention to defraud any person — 1809, ch. 138, ....
See Release.
Executors or administrators may commence and prosecute any personal
action whatever, at law or in equity, except actions of slander, or
for injuries or torts done to the person — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 8,
sec. 5, ...........
They shall also be liable to be sued in the same manner — 1798, ch. 101,
sub ch. 8, sec. 5, .........
They shall not, in any action, be compelled to put in special bail — 1798,
ch. 101, sub ch. 8, sec. 6, ........
Actions not, to abate by the death of either party — 1785, ch. 80, sec. 1,
p. 229 ;' 1793, ch. 101, sub ch. 14, sec. 4, .....
The party injured, not deprived of his civil action by issuing an execu-
tion against the property of a convicted person where reparation
has been adjudged— 1809, ch. 138, sec. 23, .....
No officer, &c. of the militia, in his attendance at, going to, or return-
ing from musler, shall be subject to arrest for any civil matter —
1834, ch. 251, sec. 44, ........
A joint administrator, having the powers of the other revoked, to have
remedy by action also — 1816, ch. 203, sec. 4, ....
For other matters, see Continuances — County Courts — Limitation —
Where two or more actions of debt on obligations conditioned for the
payment of money, or on the case arising ex contractu, between the
same plaintiffs and defendants, shall be brought to the same term,
the court on motion may consolidate them, and the clerk shall tax
the costs as if but one action — 1825, ch. 167, sec. 5, .
See Joint Obligation.
A tax of fifty cents imposed upon any plaintiff who may institute a suit
or action at law in any court, &c. to be paid to the clerk of the
court, and taxed on the costs of suit — 1825, ch. 195, sec. 1, .
Not necessary for the state in an action brought upon a bond given by
any of the county clerks, the clerk of the court of appeals, regis-
ter in chancery or registers of wills, in reply to a plea of perform-
ance, to set out in the replication, the breaches, &c. but may reply
generally— 1825, ch. 208, sec. 1, ......
In the trial of such cases, it shall be the duty of the officers respec-
tively, when required, to exhibit their dockets, records, fee books,
&c. and the measure of damages shall be the amount charged for
services they have not performed — 1825, ch. 208, sec. 2,
A verdict against such officers for neglect of duty, to be considered a
misdemeanor in office — 1825, ch. 20S, sec. 3, .
Plea of non-damnificatus not to be allowed on any suit brought on
such bond— 1825, ch. 208, sec. 4, ....