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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Provision for auditing accounts and dealings between the parties to a


suit— 1785, ch. 80, sec. 12, .......


Actions on accounts to be brought within three years — 1715, ch. 23,


sec. 2, ...........


What shall he the voucher or proof of a claim on open account against


a deceased person's estate — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 9, sec. 8, 10,


11, .......... 395.396


Such accounts, &.c. not to be paid, unless passed by the orphans court,


or proved as directed by law — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 8. sec. 22,


The orphans courts empowered to determine on all accounts between


wards and their guardians, and between legatees, &.c. and executors


or administrators — 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 15, sec. 12, .


Manner of staling and returning accounts therein by guardians — 1798,


ch. 101, sub ch. 12, sec. 13, .......


Manner of staling and returning accounts therein by executors and ad-


ministrators— 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 10, sec. 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10,


398. 391


Agairust the estates of deceased persons, not exceeding fifty dollars, may


bo passed by the registers of wills in the recess of the orphans


courts— 1802, ch. 101, sec. 4, .......


Passed hy the orphans courts, or the register of wills, not made valid


thereby, but require to he proi'ed, if contested by the executor or


administrator— 1802, ch. 101, sec. 9, ..... 474

. 475

Accounts in the public offices to be kept in conformity to the regula-


tions therein mentioned — 1812, ch. 135, sec. 2, ....


Of guardianship, to be settled by natural guardians, and those appointed


by will, as prescribed for other guardians — 1816, ch. 203, sec. 1,


Accounts of administration to he rendered by the administrator, &,c. of


an administrator dying before a settlement — 1816, ch. 203, sec. 3,


Concerning power of registers in the recess of the court, in relation to


passing accounts- — 1810, ch. 203, sec. 5, 6, .


Executors and administrators taking possession of real estate belonging


to persons tinder age, and without guardian, to render accounts in


the same manner as guardians — 1820, ch. 174, ....


Relieved from this duty after their accounts of administration are


closed, or three years after letters are granted — 182-5, ch. 63,


For the collection and recovery of accounts due to the state — see Trea-






In criminal prosecutions every man haih a right to be informed of the


accusation against him — Decl. of Rights, art. 19.




If any man shall have one or more children by any woman whom he


shall afterwards marry, such child or children, if acknowledged by


the man, shall, in virtue of such marriage and acknowledgment, be


legitimated, and capable in law to inherit and transmit inheritance


as if born in wedlock — 1820, ch. 191, sec. 7, . .


Acknowledgment of deeds, &c. — See Conveyances.


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2419   View pdf image (33K)
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