Levy court
to serve
three years.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted. That the levy court thus elected,
shall serve three years from the date of their election, and shall
exercise all the powers that now belong to the levy court of
Caroline county.
AN ACT relating to the Sheriff of Caroline County .—1839, ch. 168.
sion to
sheriff for
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be law-
ful for the sheriff of Caroline county, to charge and receive
from all officers and attorneys who may choose to require of
the sheriff to collect for them, any officers' or attorneys' fees, a
commission of twelve and a half per cent, on the amount of
fees that may be so collected, instead of the commission here-
tofore allowed in such cases.
An ACT for the distribution of the Interest on the State's share of the
Surplus Revenue Fund, so far as relates to Caroline County. — 1839,
ch. 279.
fund to be
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the share of the in-
terest on the surplus revenue, belonging to Caroline county,
shall be distributed between the several election districts of
said county, by the orphans court of said county, in the follow-
Mode of ap-
ing manner, to wit : the middle district to receive three-eighths
of said fund, and the upper and lower districts, the balance of
five-eighths, to be equally divided between them.
court to
divide it
between the
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said orphans court, to divide the several sums distributed as
aforesaid, equally between the school districts in said election
districts, that may be in operation or may become in operation
hereafter, according to the time that said school may be in
operation according to law.
No. 1, to be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That Richard Jones, Marcellus
E. Keene, James Pippin, Richard Norris, Thomas Straughan,
Samuel Culbreth and Hooper D. Hutson, be, and they are
hereby appointed commissioners, with full power to meet and
divide school district No. 1, into two school districts, to suit
the interest and convenience of the people, and to locate a new
school district between Choptank river and the Delaware line,
in the upper election district of said county.
Location of
school to be
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That Tilghman Johnston, Wil-
liam Meloney, Ennals Hubbart, be, and they are hereby autho-
rized to change the location of the school situated in Anderson
town, and fix the location of the same at or near the Friends
centre meeting house.
may bo
given to
aew school.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
board of commissioners for each election district in said county,
after having complied with the sixth section of the act of eigh-