his, her or their agent or attorney, to issue execution upon all
judgments, where the sum for which the same is rendered,
exceeds fifty dollars, directed to the sheriff of said county, and
returncable to the next succeeding term of Anne Arundcl
county court, and in like manner, and by like process, as il
the judgment had been originally recovered in said county
may issue.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the
chief judges of the courts of the fifth and sixth election dis-
tricts, and they are hereby required forthwith to return to the
clerk of the court of Howard district of Anne Arundel county
the dockets kept by said courts, and it shall be the duty of the
said clerk to pursue, with respect to cases on the said dockets,
the directions prescribed by the preceding section to the clerk
of Anne Arundel county court, as to the dockets directed to
be returned by said court.
kept by
judges of
5th and 6th
districts, to
be returned
to clerk of
SEC. G. And be it enacted, That in all cases where writs of
capias ad satisfaciendum, fieri facias, attachment or judgment,
or venditioni exponas, issued by either of the district courts
for the recovery of a sum exceeding fifty dollars, may be in
the [hands of the] sheriff, any coroner, or constable of said
county, and not returned, it shall be the duty of said sheriff,
coroner, or constable, as the case may be, to return all such
writs as are returnable to the first, second, third, fourth and
seventh election district courts, to the next succeeding term of
Anne Arundel county court, and all such writs as are returna-
ble to the fifth and sixth election district courts, to the next
succeeding term of the court of Howard district of Anne
Arundel county, and the clerks of said courts shall docket the
same, and such proceedings shall be had thereon, as if the said
process had originally issued from said Anne Arundel county
court, or the court of Howard district of Anne Arundel county.
AN ACT to appoint the Sheriffs or the Collectors of Public Taxes for Anne
Arundei County and Howard District, in said County, the Collectors of
Primary School District Taxes in said County and Howard District.
1839, ch. 159.
write to be
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall be incumbent on
any sheriff or county collector, in Anne Arundel county or
Howard district, in the event of his being selected or appointed
a collector for any or all of the schbol districts, to accept of the
appointment, or forfeit for each refusal the sum of one hundred
dollars, to be recovered on presentment or indictment by a
grand jury, and to pay over to the persons or person autho-
rized to receive the same, the several sums of money to be by
him collected, (first deducting the usual fees for his services,)
within six months from the time the assessment lists shall be
Sheriff" or
county col-
lector may
be collector
for school