del county
establish magistrates' courts in the several counties of this
state, and to prescribe their jurisdiction, and the several sup-
plements thereto, be, and the same are hereby repealed, so far
as relates to Anne Arundel county and Howard District of
Anne Arundel county, and that the magistrates' courts in said
county and district, be, and the same are abolished.
Papers and
in suits
pending to
be banded
over to
some justice
of peace.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted , That in all cases where suit has
been instituted in said. courts for the recovery of a sum not
exceeding fifty dollars, if no judgment has been recovered
thereon, it shall be the duty of the respective chief judges of
said courts to deliver to some justice of the peace of the dis-
trict or county all the papers and proceedings relative thereto,
and in case any writ of capias ad respondendurn, scire facias,
capias ad sutisfaciendum, fieri facias, or venditioni exponas,
issued by either of said courts for the recovery of a sum not
exceeding fifty dollars, shall be in the hands of the sheriff, any
coroner or constable of said county, it shall be the duty of the
Return to
be made to
said sheriff, coroner, or constable, as the case may be, to return
the same to some justice of the peace of the county or district,
who shall take such proceedings therein as if the same had
been originally issued by a single justice.
In suits
above $50
to be de-
livered to
clerk of
Anne Arun-
del county
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That where suits have been insti-
tuted in the district courts for the first, second, third, fourth
and seventh election districts of said county, to recover a sum
exceeding fifty dollars, if no judgment has been rendered
thereon, it shall be the duty of the chief judges of said courts
to deliver the papers and proceedings relative thereto, to the
clerk of Anne Arundel county court, to be proceeded in as if
the said suits had been originally instituted in said county
court; and it shall in like manner be the duty of the chief
judges of the fifth and sixth election district courts, to return
And clerk
of Howsrd
all such papers and proceedings to the clerk of the court of
Howard district of Anne Arundel county, to be proceeded in
as if the said suits had been originally instituted therein.
kept by
1st, 2d, 3d
4th and 7th
districts, tc
be returned
to clerk of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
chief judges of the courts of the first, second, third, fourth
and seventh election districts of said county, and they are
hereby required forthwith to return to the clerk of said county
the dockets kept by said courts ; and it shall be the duty of the
said clerk upon the application of the plaintiff or plaintiffs, his,
her or their agent or attorney, to make out a true copy of any
judgment, where the sum for which the same is rendered does
Copy to be
made if
not exceed fifty dollars, upon which copy, any justice of that
part of the said county, may issue execution as is now provided
by law, in case of the resignation, removal from office, or death
of a justice of the peace; and it shall be the further duty of
the said clerk upon the application of the plaintiff or plaintiffs,