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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2334   View pdf image (33K)
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streams, and the supplements thereto, impose a fine of not less
than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for every such
offence, to be levied upon the body, goods and chattels of the
offender ; and the said justice shall adjudge and condemn as
forfeited, all boats, vessels and apparatus, guns, powder and
shot, seized as in the possession of the party offending, and
shall cause the same to be sold to the highest bidder, upon ten
days notice, one-half of the proceeds whereof, after deducting
necessary costs, for the use of the officer so making the seizure,
and the persons summoned by him, in equal proportions, and
the other half for the use of the county.

Justice may
bond from

SEC. 4. And be if enacted. That if it shall appear to the
justice of the peace before whom any offender under this law,
and the existing laws upon the same subject shall be brought,
that no violation of the same has been actually committed, and
it shall also appear from circumstances or proof that there is
just reason to believe that such violation of the law, is or was
proposed by the party or parties so brought before him, the
said justice of the peace shall require the party or parties so
brought before him to enter into bond with sureties to the state
of Maryland, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, condi-
tioned for his proper conduct in the premises, and that he will
refrain from any violation of said laws, and in default of giving
such bond he shall be committed to the common jail of the
county to answer such charges as may be brought against him
at the next succeeding term thereafter, and in such case the
vessels, bouts and property so seized, if any shall remain in
possession of the officer making such seizure, liable to be re-
deemed if such offender should be discharged by the court,
upon payment of reasonable charges for their safe keeping, to
be adjudged by a justice of the peace upon motion on a case
stated or otherwise, to be subject to the action and judgment of
said county court.


SEC. 5. it enacted, That if any party shall feel ag-
grieved by the decision of any justice of the peace upon any
case brought before him under the laws of the state for the
preservation of wild fowl in the Potomac river and its tribu-
tary streams, he shall have the privilege within ten days after
such decision, to appeal from said judgment to the next county
court ; Provided, that no such appeal shall operate any stay
upon the proceedings directed by said justice, unless a bond
be given to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of five hun-
dred dollars, conditioned for the successful prosecution of said
appeal, which bond shall be liable to be sued in the name and
on behalf of the officer making such seizure or arrest, and
upon judgment on the same, one-fourth thereof shall be en-
tered for the use of such officer, one-fourth for the use of the

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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2334   View pdf image (33K)
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