and Sus-
rail road
appropriated to the several objects and purposes specified in
the act aforesaid ; Provided, that the commissioner of loans
shall reserve and place in the hands of the treasurer of the
State, a sufficient amount of said bonds, at their par value,
which shall be equal to and in payment of the arrearages of
interest due on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and
forty, by said company to the state.
and Sus-
R. R. Co.
may be re-
quired to
can for
lime, lime-
stone and
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That if at any time here-
after, the legislature shall by law see fit to require, the said
company shall provide a sufficient number of cars, and are
hereby authorized and required to transport, at the request of
the owner or owners, lime, limestone and wood, at the rates
established by the charter of the company and the several sup-
plements thereto, the owner or owners to bear all the charges
of lading and unlading, and the said cars to be provided at
their usual stopping places and switches.
Not to be
in force
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be of no force
or effect until the stockholders of said company, in general
meeting assembled, and the city of Baltimore, by an ordinance
of its mayor and city council, shall have respectively assented
to the same, and shall have agreed that the change in the stock
hereby authorized, shall not in any manner affect the liens and
securities of the state, but that the same shall remain unim-
paired and be as effectual to secure the principal and interest
of the loans made, or to be made to the said company, as if no
change had been made in the nature or character of the stock
issued by the commissioner of loans.
An ACT prohibiting Justices of the Orphans Court and Registers of
Wills or Judge of any County Court from being Administrators, ex-
cept in the cases therein mentioned. — 1839, ch. 203.
Letters of
tion not to
be granted
to justices
of orphans
court, ex-
cept in cer-
tain cases.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for
the justices pf the orphans courts of this state, or any register of
wills thereof, to grant letters of administration to any justice
of an orphans court, or judge of any county court, or register
of wills, residing in the county where the administration is to
be granted, unless he be the largest creditor of, or the nearest
of kin to the deceased, on whose estate he offers to take out
letters of administration.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to prevent the granting letters testa-
mentary to any such judge or justice, or register who may be
appointed executor by any last will and testament.