himself to receive a pilot upon the same terms as is provided
lor in the first section of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the amount collected from
time to time for licenses under the provisions of this act, shall
be applied in the discretion of the board to the relief of super-
annuated pilots, or to the relief of the widows and orphans of
pilots who resided in the state of Maryland.
AN ACT, Supplementary to an Act, entitled, an Act to declare and ascertain
the right of citizens of this State to Private Roads or Ways, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty -four.— 1839, ch. 180.
for licenses,
how to be
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in addition to the powers conferred upon the levy courts or
commissioners, as the case may be, of the several counties in this
state, by the act to which this is a supplement, they shall have
full power to receive and shall act upon the petition of any per-
son or persons owning land in counties adjoining their several
counties asking for a road, and that said levy courts or county
commissioners, as the case may be, shall act upon the petition or
petitions so made, precisely in the same manner as if the peti-
tioner was a citizen of the county in which said levy courts or
commissioners, as the case may be, have power to act.
AN ACT, entitled, an Act to regulate the Measurement of Oats. — 1839,
ch. 182.
Levy court
or county
sioners to
act on pe-
titions for
roads from
persons of
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all oats bought and sold in this state, shall be by struck
AN ACT to provide for an Exchange of certain Stock therein mentioned,
1839, ch. 199.
Oats by
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioner of loans be, and he is hereby autho-
rized and directed to issue and to sell and dispose of, for the
best price to be had, not less than par, certificates-of stocks of
the state, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per an-
num, payable quarterly, and redeemable at the pleasure of the
state, after the year 1890, to an amount not exceeding six hun-
dred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-six
dollars and sixty-six cents, in lieu of an equal amount of five
per cent, stock which was authorized to be issued by the act
of December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chap-
ter three hundred and ninety-five, and now remains unsold,
and the proceeds of all sales of the stock to be issued by virtue
sioner of
loans au-
thorized to
dispose of
six per cent,
of this act, shall be paid over by said commissioner to the trea-
surer of the western shore, who shall pay the par value of
said stock of the said proceeds to the Baltimore and Susque-
hanna rail road company, which shall be by said company
Pay over to
treasurer of
W. shore.
Proceeds to
be paid to