liable to be sued as if their original responsibility had been
joint and several ; Provided always, that but one satisfaction
of the debt or demand shall be made.
AN ACT, entitled, a further Supplement to an Act, entitled, an Act relating
to Free Negroes and Slaves.— 1839, ch. 155.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be lawful for any citizen of this state or for any
person or persons who resides or may have resided out of this
state, and who may remove into the same with a bona fide in-
tention of becoming a citizen thereof, to introduce in this state
any negro slave or slaves for life, from any state, district or
into the
state may
bring their
territory of the United States ; Provided, the person so remov-
ing shall within thirty days after the removal of such slave or
slaves into the state, make affidavit before some justice of the
peace of the county into which he or she may remove, and have
the same filed in the office of the clerk of the county court of
said county, of his or her intention to become a citizen of the
state ; Provided also, that the person introducing such slave or
slaves, shall within the time aforesaid, file with the said clerk
a list or lists of the said slave or slaves so removed, stating their
ages, with an affidavit thereto attached that the same is a true
and faithful list or lists of said slaves so removed, and that he
or she hath not removed the same into this state for the pur-
pose of sale, and that they are slaves for life ; And provided
File a list
with clerk
of county.
also, that the sum of fifteen dollars for each slave between the
age of twelve and forty-five years of age, and the sum of five
dollars for each slave above the age of forty-five and under
twelve years of age so brought into the state, shall be paid to
the clerk of the county court at the time of giving such list, to
be paid over by him to the treasurer of the western shore for
the use and benefit of the colonization society of the state.
Sum to be
paid to
clerk of
county for
each slave.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any thing in any previous
act, in any wise contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions
of this act, be and the same is hereby repealed.
AN ACT, entitled, a Supplement to an Act, entitled an Act relating to the
Maryland Penitentiary, passed December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-seven, chapter three hundred and twenty. — 1839, ch. 161.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in lieu of the two agents appointed under the provisions
of the third section of the act to which this is a supplement,
there be appointed, as the said agents are now appointed, one
suitable person to be styled purveyor to the Maryland peniten-
tiary, who shall visit daily the said penitentiary and attend to
and perform all the duties that are now or may have hereto-
fore been performed by the agents of that institution.
One pur-
veyor to be