company, and now in circulation, of which an. account shall be
returned forthwith by the president of the said company to the
said treasurer, and the money so retained shall be applied in
such manner as the treasurer may think most expedient to the
redemption of said notes.
AN ACT, entitled, an Act providing for the acknowledgment and execution
of Deeds of Conveyance and other Instruments of Writing, in Foreign
Countries, touching property in this State. — 1839, ch. 133.
Consuls of
U. S. au-
thorized to
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the consuls and vice-consuls of the United States, duly
appointed and recognized, shall be authorized and empowered,
as they hereby fully are, to receive the acknowledgments in
writing of citizens of the United States or other persons, being
or residing in the districts of their several consulates, of deeds
of conveyance, mortgage, letters of attorney, or other legal in-
struments whatever, touching or affecting real estate or other
property, rights or interests whatever, situate, lying or being
in any part of this state, belonging to the said parties in whole
or in part, in their own right, or as agents of others ; and that
the certificates of the said consuls and vice-consuls, under their
official seals, shall be good and available as evidence of the
execution of such deeds of conveyance or other legal instru-
ments, so as to authorise the clerk of the county court of the
county in which the property lies, to record such deeds of con-
veyance or mortgage, and the clerk of any county court in this
state to record the other instruments herein before described ;
Provided, such deeds pf conveyance or mortgage, or other legal
instruments whatever, shall be recorded within six months
from the date of the acknowledgment thereof respectively ;
find provided further, that as against creditors or purchasers
without notice, the said deeds of conveyance or mortgage, or
other legal instruments whatever, shall only avail from the
time of their being so recorded.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be construed to apply to last wills and testaments, or in-
struments of writing in the nature of last wills and testaments.
AN ACT, entitled, an Act in furtherance of Justice. — 1839, ch. 134.
against on
or more
members of
a partner-
ship not to
affect a
liability on
the others.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a judgment recovered against one or more members of a part-
f nership, or one or more persons jointly liable, on any bill,
bond, covenant, promissory note, bill of exchange, contract or
agreement whatsoever, less than the whole number of partners
or persons so bound, shall not work an extinguishment or
merger of the cause of action on which such judgment may
have been rendered, as respects the liability of the partners
or persons not bound by such judgment, and they shall remain