zens, residing in Worcester county, who are not assessed, or
pay a tax, shall be liable to be summoned to labour upon the
public roads of said county, in the same manner that taxable
inhabitants are required to perform such labour, by the act to
which this is a supplement, except that they shall not be re-
quired to perform more than three days labour on said public
roads, in any one year.
And whereas, there is a certain road in said county, running
from Stephen's Ferry to Newtown, which passes over a cyprus
swamp, of considerable breadth, and the said road has become
almost impassable for want of earth to keep the same in repair ;
And whereas, there is a certain tract or parcel of land, adjoin-
ing the said road, and belonging to the heirs of Col. John
Stephens, late of said county, (who are minors,) and the levy
court of said county doubt their authority to condemn any por-
tion of said land, for the amendment of said road ; therefore,
Levy court
to condemn
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the levy court of said
county, be, and they are hereby authorized at their regular
or adjourned meeting in this present year, if the said court
deem it expedient to appoint three. commissioners to lay out a
quantity of land not exceeding one-half acre, lying most con-
venient to said road; and the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, are hereby required to return a plot of said land to
the clerk of Worcester county court, there to be recorded ; and
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby re-
quired to value the said land, and to return the estimated value
of said land, together with their other proceedings, to the levy
court of said county, and the amount of said valuation, so as-
certained and returned, shall be levied and collected as other
county charges, and the same shall be paid over to the guar-
dian or guardians of said infants, and the said levy court shall
condemn said land so laid off, for the purposes and uses above
set forth.
tion to com-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said
county, are hereby authorized and directed to allow to the
commissioners who may be appointed by said levy court in
virtue of this act, such sum or sums as they may deem a rea-
sonable compensation for their services, in the execution of
the duties required of them by this act.
1816, ch. 256, ante page 654, distributes the fund.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the distribution of a certain
fund for the establishment of Free Schools in the several Counties of
this State.— 1821, ch. 168.
Merged in 1838, ch. 371.