SEC. 21. And, to prevent individuals from being unreason-
ably burthened with the execution of this act as trustees for
the poor, Be it enacted, That at the time of meeting of the said
trustees for the poor in the first week of November yearly, the
said trustees, or the major part of them, in the county aforesaid,
shall and may elect and choose one of the best inhabitants of
the said county, to be a trustee for the poor of that county in
the stead of the first named or eldest of the said trustees of the
same county, which said first named or eldest trustee shall be
and is by virtue hereof thencefrom discharged from his office.
A trustee to
be chosen
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That all fines and forfeitures
incurred by this act shall be applied, one moiety thereof to
the informer, the other to the use and benefit of the alms and
work-house in said county.
How fines
are to be
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for the trustees aforesaid, or a major part of them, to rent an
house or houses in the said county for the reception of such
poor, vagrants, vagabonds, or other offenders, with the neces-
sary lot or lots of ground adjoining to such house or houses, as
convenient to the court-house as may be in the same county,
for the reception and accommodation of the said poor, vagrants,
vagabonds, and other offenders, until a sufficient sum of money
be raised in virtue of this act, to enable the said trustees to
purchase the land and erect the buildings herein before men-
tioned, and the justices of the said county are hereby empow-
ered and enjoined, annually, at the court for laying the county
rate, to assess on the taxable property of the said county a suf-
ficient sum to discharge the rent aforesaid, with the collector's
commission of four per cent, thereon ; which sum so as afore-
said assessed, shall be collected and paid by the said collector
to the said trustees, or a majority of them, to be by them ap-
plied to the purposes aforesaid ; and the said trustees, or the
major part of them, are hereby empowered and required, as
soon as such house or houses aforesaid are procured on rent, to
proceed to the appointment of an overseer, and other officers
and servants, as are mentioned in this act, and to do and perform
every other matter and thing necessary to carrying the said act
into execution, according to. the true intent and meaning thereof.
SEC. 24, 25. Relates to moneys collected under an act of 1774, ch. 16.
Trustees to
rent a house
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid act* of assem-
bly, entitled, an act for the relief of the poor in Talbot county,
except so much thereof as respects the recovery of the moneys
collected in virtue thereof, be and is hereby repealed and
made void.
1797, ch. 9, repealed by 1816, ch. 108.
Part of an
act repealed
* 1774, ch.