uppermost garment of every such person, in an open and visi-
ble manner, wear the following badge, to wit, the letters P. T.
cut either in red or blue cloth, as by the overseer of the poor
shall be directed and appointed ; and if such poor person shall
neglect or refuse to wear such mark or badge as aforesaid, and
in manner as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for any one
of the trustees aforesaid to punish every such offender for
every such offence, either by ordering his or her usual allow-
ance to be abridged, suspended or withdrawn, or otherwise, by
ordering such offender to be whipt, not exceeding ten lashes,
and kept to hard labour for any number of days not exceeding
twenty, as to the said trustee shall seem meet ; and if any
overseer of the poor shall receive into the said alms and work-
house, or shall support any such person, not having and wear-
ing such bade or mark as aforesaid, and be thereof cpnvicted
upon the oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses, he
shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds current money.
Penalty on
booth, &c.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted. That whosoever shall presume,
either to set up a booth, stall, or other convenience, for the
selling of strong liquors, on the land purchased for the use of
the said alms and work-house, or shall commit any kind of
trespass thereon, or shall sell or dispose of any strong liquor,
or other matter or thing whatsoever to, or purchase any matter
or thing whatsoever from, any poor, or other person enter-
tained in the said alms and work-house, shall, for every such
offence, forfeit and pay the sum of ten pounds current money.
Sheriffs &c.
Co aid trus-
tees, &c.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That all sheriffs, constables, and
all other officers and ministers of justice, shall be aiding and
assisting to the said trustees for the poor in the said county,
and to all such officers as shall be employed by them, as by
this act is directed, in the execution and performance of the
said service.
General is-
sue pleada-
ble, &c.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons
shall, at any time or times, be sued or prosecuted for any
matter or thing by him or them done and executed in pur-
suance and execution of this act, or of any matter or thing in
this act contained, such person or persons shall and may plead
the general issue, and give this act and the special matter in
evidence, for his or their defence ; and if upon trial a verdict
shall pass for the defendant or defendants, or if the plaintiff or
plaintiffs shall become non-suit, or discontinue his or their
suit, then such defendant or defendants shall have and recover
treble costs to him or them awarded against such plaintiff or
plaintiffs, and if the plaintiff or plaintiffs is or are unable to
satisfy the same, then it shall be paid and satisfied by the at-
torney who brought such suit, unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs
shall give security for the costs, to be approved by the court
in which such suit is brought.