inconsistent with, the provisions of this act, shall be and the
same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That the trustees to be appointed
under the authority of this act, shall report to the said orphans
court, on the second Tuesday of April, and the second Tues-
day in October, next ensuing their appointment, and on the
second Tuesday in April, and second Tuesday in October, in
each and every year thereafter, an accurate account of the dis-
tribution of the fund committed to their charge, and also the
number of pupils educated out of the said fund, designating
the sex and age of said pupils.
Modified by 1833, ch. 59.
Trustees to
report to
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the primary
school constituted and organized by James Lawson and others,
inhabitants of Lower Annamessex, in Somerset county, shall
be entitled to receive an equitable portion of the school mo-
neys distributed to the said county, according to the discretion
of the orphans court.
A further SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the distribution of a
certain fund for the purpose of establishing Free Schools in the several
Counties therein mentioned. — 1833, ch. 59.
Portion of
fund as-
WHEREAS, by the act of assembly of eighteen hundred and
thirty, chapter one hundred, section seven, the trustees ap-
pointed under the authority of that act are required to report
to the orphans court of Somerset county, on the second Tues-
day of April and second Tuesday in October, annually, an
accurate account of the distribution of the fund committed to
their charge, and also the number of pupils educated out of
the said funds, designating the sex and age of said pupils ;
And whereas, confusion has arisen in consequence of such
semi-annual reports ; for remedy whereof,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the trustees appointed by virtue of said act shall report to said
orphans court on the second Tuesday in October next, and on
said day annually thereafter, an accurate account of the distri-
bution of the fund committed to their charge, and also the
number of pupils educated out of the said fund, designating
the sex and age of said pupils, in lieu of the requisition of the
seventh section above referred to ; Provided, that the act of
eighteen hundred and thirty, chapter one hundred, be not
altered in any other particular.
AN ACT for the promotion of Education in Somerset County. — 1837,
ch 303.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Somerset county be, and they are