of the poor are hereby required to borrow the sum of one
hundred dollars, until such time as the levy and collection
authorized by the first section of this act shall have been
Payment of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the remaining ten dollars
to be levied by the first section of this act, shall be applied to
the payment of the interest which may accrue on the sum
herein before authorized to be borrowed, and to the purchase
of such books or papers as may be deemed necessary to give
the proper information in regard to the growing of the mul-
berry, and the making of silk, to those employed in superin-
tending the same.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the keeper of said institu-
tion is hereby authorized with the permission of the trustees,
to offer from time to time such premiums or rewards to the
poor, as may in their judgment be deemed proper and expe-
dient to induce them by their industry, obedience and good
conduct, to aid efficiently in carrying into successful operation
the intentions and provisions of this act, and so soon as the
profits arising under this act, from the growing of the mul-
berry and making of silk, shall be deemed suilicient by said
trustees, they are hereby authorized and required to procure
And em-
ployment of
a teacher.
the services of a competent and suitable teacher, to instruct
and educate the poor children of said institution, in such
manner as said trustees shall direct.
Levy for
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if any time hereafter, the
said commissioners for Saint Mary's county, upon the recom-
mendation of the trustees aforesaid, shall deem it expedient
to do so, they are hereby authorized and empowered to levy
upon the assessable property of said county, a sum of money
sufficient to build and fit up a suitable house for a cocoonery
for the feeding of worms and the making and reeling of silk,
and for the purchase of reels and such other implements as
may be deemed necessary to carry into successful operation,
the provisions of this act, and said trustees are hereby autho-
to keeper.
rized to allow to the keeper of said institution such per cent-
age on the profits arising under this act, as they in their judg-
ment may believe his extra services shall be worth ; and said
keeper is hereby strictly enjoined under the direction of said
trustees to render all the aid and attention in his power to
carry into complete and successful operation the true intent
and meaning of this act.
of proceeds.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That whenever the profits arising
under the act, shall be more than sufficient to effect the object
herein before mentioned, then such surplus shall be applied
towards defraying the general expenses of said institution.