AN ACT relating to the Compensation of the Surveyor of Queen Anne's
County.— 1831, ch. 236.
Merged in 1833, ch. 65.
AN ACT relating to Surveyor of Queen Anne's County. — 1833, ch. 21.
See title 'County Court,' ante page 2092.
AN ACT to enlarge the duties of the Surveyor of Queen Anne's County.
1833, ch. 65.
WHEREAS, the legal duties of the surveyor of Queen Anne's
county, have become so diminished, that no person will accept
the said office, and it is believed that duties may be added
thereto, that will make it an office worth the attention of a
citizen capable of filling the same.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all surveying of land in Queen Anne's county, done by
authority of law, shall be performed by the surveyor of the
county, and his deputies, except excluded by positive enact-
ments, or in case where he has a personal interest in the sur-
vey ; and to this end, it is hereby enacted, that all warrants,
writs and orders, under which lands are to be surveyed in the
said county, issued from the courts of the said county, shall be
directed to the said county surveyor and executed by him, and
all locations and surveys of land in the said county, that shall
be made in virtue of commissions, writs, and process from the
said courts, shall be made by the said county surveyor, whose
plots and certificates of such lands returned by him, shall be as
valid and effectual, as if the duty performed had originally
been a duty of his said office.
surveyor to
be em-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said surveyor's charges
for such services, shall be regulated by the fee bill, and laws
of this state.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, an act
relating to the compensation of the surveyor of Queen Anne's
county, passed on the eighth day of March, eighteen hundred
and thirty-one, be and the same is hereby repealed.